Professional Series Event LinkedIn Post
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sixteenth Annual General Meeting of the members of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Singapore Chapter (“ICAI SG”, also referred to as the “Society” or the “Chapter”) will be held at Room 801, NTUC Centre, 1 Marina Boulevard, Singapore 018989 on 26th March 2025, Thursday, at 6.00 p.m. (Singapore time) to transact the following business:
Sl No. | Agenda | Resolution | Documents |
1 | To adopt the minutes of the 15th Annual General Meeting held on 26th March 2024. | Ordinary Resolution # 1 | Attached |
2 | To receive from the Managing Committee, report on the affairs of the Society during the preceding financial year. | Ordinary Resolution # 2 | To be presented |
3 | To receive, consider and adopt the audited financial statements of the Society for the financial year ended 31 December 2024 and the auditors’ report thereon. | Ordinary Resolution # 3 | To be circulated by 10th March 2025 |
4 | To elect two Managing Committee members (vacant positions) to hold office from the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the eighteenth Annual General Meeting (for the term 2025-27). | Ordinary Resolution # 4 | Separate mail from Nomination and Election Committee (NEC) |
5 | To approve and adopt the revised Constitution for The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Singapore Chapter | Special Resolution | Attached |
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Room 801, NTUC Centre, 1 Marina Boulevard, Singapore 018989
Wednesday, 26 Mar 2025, 6.00 PM