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ICAI Singapore Chapter

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ICAI Singapore Chapter

Singapore is a major hub for banking & financial services, aviation, maritime shipping and many specialised industries. It is a favoured destination to set up regional and global headquarters, and a natural choice for capital, trade flows and high quality talent.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Singapore Chapter (ICAI Singapore Chapter) is a well-regarded professional body in Singapore. The Chapter was formed with the objective of creating a platform to aid in professional & personal development of its members based in Singapore. It operates under the auspices of the Overseas Chapter Network of ICAI India and is viewed as a key International Chapter. The chapter plays a pivotal role for Indian CAs in Singapore by curating & hosting Professional events, Webinars, Knowledge series events for benefit of members. In addition the chapter facilitates Social events that foster camaraderie among members and families. It provides an impactful access to the network of CAs & fellow professionals and is often viewed as an informal support system for exchange of ideas, opportunities, mentoring relationships and creation of friendships and bonds.

About Us

The Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a statutory body established under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 (Act No. XXXVIII of 1949) for the regulation of the profession of Chartered Accountants in India. During its 70 years of existence, ICAI has achieved recognition as a premier accounting body not only in the country but also globally, for its contribution in the fields of education, professional development, maintenance of high accounting, auditing and ethical standards. ICAI now is the second largest accounting body in the whole world.


CA Ranjeet Kumar Agarwal

President, ICAI Read President Message
Nishant Surana

Message from Chairperson

CA Nishant Kumar Surana

Chairman, ICAI - Singapore Chapter

Stepping into realms of immense weight,
A role of grandeur, a towering state.
Upon shoulders, a mantle heavy to bear,
Yet with resolve, I embrace the dare.

It is with great honour and humility that I accept this profound responsibility of assuming the role of the 13th Chairperson of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Singapore Chapter. As I step into this esteemed position, I am keenly aware of the weight of expectations and the magnitude of the challenges that lie ahead. Yet, I am filled with an unwavering sense of determination and excitement to embark on this journey together with each and every one of you.

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Technical Seminars


Social Events


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Upcoming Events


Room 801, NTUC Centre, 1 Marina Boulevard, Singapore 018989

Mar 26, 2025

ICAI Singapore Chapter - Notice and Agenda for the 16th Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, the 26th March 2025

Professional Series Event, Chapter Members


We Welcome New Members

ICAI Singapore Chapter strives to create various platforms that encourage growth and widen networks within the finance, tax and accounting community in Singapore.

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Managing Committee

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